Sunday, October 6, 2013

I recommend Julie and Julia, not only to the foodies out there, but to people interested in seeing the startling difference in the world of publishing in the last fifty years. Of course, any fan of Meryl Streep has already seen it. Meryl didn't disappoint. In fact, she nailed the performance. Is the cook with David Letterman Meryl or Julia? You be the judge.

     Susan Corcoran wrote an excellent review of the film. It's posted on our Reflection #1. Check it out. I agree with Susan that today's authors are more willing to share their personal lives in any format. Maybe there are no secrets anymore. Another difference between old and new publishing is the time element. I'm writing this at 8:07 am and sending it out in the world within the half hour. Authors of the past spent years, even decades perfecting their work before sharing it. 
     However, at the heart of both stories was the stark truth: writing is hard. Hemingway said it best: “There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.”  

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