Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Butterfly Drought

Where are the monarchs?   
     This may not appear to be a technological issue, but I think there is some relationship between the lack of monarchs this fall and global warming.  For the last decade, I'd easily found ten or more monarchs in the J position clinging to a piece of milkweed. 

This year, I've searched almost every leaf of milkweed in the area and I haven't seen a one. Nada. Nothing. What a disappointment!

Last fall, my students and I watched a caterpillar wiggle itself into a chrysalis. What a thrill to witness this miracle of nature. What a magical transformation. It filled us with awe and wonder and left us speechless. Watching the butterflies emerge wasn't quite as dramatic, but was a good excuse to get outside, watch them dry their leaves and take off.  I so hope they're not gone for good here in the western foothills. I will miss them.


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