Friday, September 20, 2013

     I'm getting the hang of blogging so yes, you can teach an old dog new tricks. I've learned much from visiting your sites. I think it was Sarah of the bunny skirt who commented that it took her many hours of experimentation to come up with the awesome look of her blog. There's so much you can so do to portray who you are and what you want to say. I'll continue to jazz things up. Who doesn't like glitter and glam?
     I've changed the focus of my blog to reflect what I'm learning in class. My digital natives are hungry for it. However, I am keeping a journal to record the happenings in my DAY TREATMENT program, capital letters. Before accepting this job, I hadn't fully grasped the severity of need, but I'm a warrior, teacher warrior, and things have already started to improve.  I hope to post student response to my attempts at technology integration which leads me to Draggo.
     Last week we were asked to explore management systems like As teacher, this has always been a major problem; how to effectively and efficiently share the sites I want them to explore. For a couple of years, teachers at my school used Wikki, but viewing and adding links was laborious. As I was navigating my way around, the light bulb went off.

It screamed high pitched and insistent like a yapping dog, "Draggo, draggo, draggo." Why should I start exploring yet another management site when I've  discovered the pot of gold this summer? I went back to what I started and added to it. This bookmarking tool is as easy as guzzling a cold beer on a hot afternoon. If I didn't have to hit the road, literally for my daily run before work, I'd share what I know.  Gotta go. Enjoy Friday. I'll be in touch. DRAGGO!

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