Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Despite my best plans, there was no hint of paradise in my class today. Two steps forward- one step back. Today was a giant step back.  I find that the five kids, yes, there are only five,  do not appear to have the skill set for learning. Four major problems continue to plague me and our two ed techs:
      1)  students are closed to instruction, they already know everything and have no tolerance for      
            teacher instruction (or is it they have no tolerance for the teacher's authority- power & control     
           or because they want their own way)
      2)  students have an incessant need for attention (love me, love me, love me do)
      3)  students do not work alone or in groups for more than ten minutes (feelings of inadequacy?)
      4)  students lack coping skills and demonstrate low frustration tolerance which culminates in
           physical violence, swearing,  name calling and/or yelling
     The day ended with Kyle (all names are pseudonyms) punching an ed tech because he didn't want to go upstairs. He went home, of course, but there's so much need. Tim topple over a divider and tore a wall poster because the photographer (it was picture day) asked him to sit with his legs off to the side for his photo. It was uncomfortable. Christine cried and cried, well, I'm not a hundred percent sure, but she cries most afternoons. Airel yelled, screeched really,  because she didn't want to sit next to Kyle and Jeb refused to count money from the school store because he didn't get his way about something.
     Tough day!




  1. Patti,
    That sounds like a really rough day! What grade do you teach? How many students do you have in your class? I hope that today goes much better!

  2. Wow! Sounds very similar to my room! I teach second grade and I have 18 kids and 1 ed tech who is assigned to 3 of my kids (however she ends up helping the other kiddos more than those 3).
    I feel like I can totally "ditto" your 4 major problems, specifically the love me, love me, love me. I am constantly giving a direction and send them off and inevitably I have at least 7 of them coming up to me for hugs or questions or guess what?!
    Needless to say it takes a special person for the job! :)

  3. Students needing constant attention and affirmation is a problem I faced a lot in the UK, as well as here in the north. I wonder if students are less self susficiant than they used to be or what.
